Saturday, September 1, 2012

A Call To Prayer

It has felt like a really, really, really, slow summer in the ministry area. I am use to churches where summertime is ramped up event crazy time. But, in Denmark it is the opposite. It's holiday time and everyone disappears. The trouble with that is we have lost our momentum with the cafe. The past two weeks have been a struggle to bring it back. The pastor and church board have called for a time of prayer revival for the church. They want to add more prayer life as a church. I have taken that call both to the youth group and to the cafe team. We are wanting to grow deeper together and move forward together. The cafe teams really needs this time. We hit a low and a struggle when we loss the shop and we have not grown out of it. We have not moved forward. We have been stuck. I have challenged the team to rebuild. We viewed a property last week that we really liked. It is one we are going to make an offer on. But, this time we want to bathe this place and this decision in prayer. Sunday the church will be doing a prayer walk around the property. A few from the group will be fasting and praying from Monday until the regular cafe meeting Thursday. A time to pray. A time to seek out if this is really what we should be doing. A time to shake off the slump of the summer and move forward. Please join us in this time of prayer.

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